Tommy Coletta

Thursday, December 31, 2009


What if Today?
What if today:
We all started to unite and refused to fight each other-Our soldiers looked across the battlefield and refused to kill one another and reached out in fellowship.
We negotiated our differences with words instead of war.
The human race runs on blood-not oil.
What if today:
All our different churches decided to have services in one large stadium, auditorium, forum, or arena and took all the money we tithe and distributed it amongst the poor, the hungry, the sick, and the homeless instead of calling each individual church or temple the house of God-God dwells here when in truth when God created the entire universe and the earth is His footstool-it is hard for me to believe that He would confine Himself in a small man made structure of concrete, wood, and steel.
What if we truly lived up to the basis of all religious beliefs and thought and helped our fellow man.
So what if today:
You loved your neighbor.
You fed the hungry.
You gave shelter to the homeless.
You helped cure the sick.
You gave water to the thirsty.
You comforted the bereaved.
Oh, what a wonderful place, the world, would be.
Plainly speaking, in truth, you just did not recite the words of our prayer to our Father-You fulfilled them
Thy kingdom come-Thy shall be done on earth as it is in heaven.

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