Tommy Coletta

Wednesday, July 28, 2010


TOMMY TALKS: WE ARE ALL ONE: "We are all one regardless of who we are and what we do. It’s how we think of each other that really matters. You and everyone else were crea..."


TOMMY TALKS: TODAY: "Today is the most important day of your life. You can only live in the present. Have you ever heard that a present is a gift? So, the gift ..."


TOMMY TALKS: OH WHAT A BEAUTIFUL DAY THIS WOULD BE: "What if Today? What if today: We all started to unite and refused to fight each other-Our soldiers looked across the battlefield and refused..."


TOMMY TALKS: CHURCHES-CORPORATE MONEY MAKERS OR REAL HOUSES OF ...: "This has always been hard for me to understand because if God created the entire universe it is hard for me to believe as many preachers, pa..."


TOMMY TALKS: " Abundance Achievement Assessment (Self) Attitude Coach Training E-books EmpowermentExecutiv..."


TOMMY TALKS: THE BIBLE FACT OR FICTION- SAYS WHO?: "First and most of all, the Bible is the greatest book ever written. I am no different from anyone else. Since the beginning of time mankin..."

TOMMY TALKS: Was Adam really the first man created on Earth?

TOMMY TALKS: Was Adam really the first man created on Earth?: "I have my doubts as to if Adam was really the first man created on earth, because the arithmetic of Adam’s creation according to Enoch, the ..."

Monday, July 26, 2010

Was Adam really the first man created on Earth?

I have my doubts as to if Adam was really the first man created on earth, because the arithmetic of Adam’s creation according to Enoch, the most beloved man of God who never tasted death did not add up. (Enoch, his life, and teachings will be discussed later on in the Chapter). According to Enoch’s prophesy a Messiah would come 5,500 years after Adam’s death to free him and other lost souls from their chains in Hell. Enoch identified and described Jesus Christ 5,500 years before His coming. When asked, where He was going before His final ascension into heaven, Christ is cited as saying that He goes to other Kingdoms to free the souls of the dead. Christ ascended into Hell and freed Adam from his chains. So, I will gauge my findings on Enoch, the most beloved man of God.
According to Enoch, one of God’s days is equal to 1,000 years. Adam was created on the 6th day; so that means Adam was created sometime in the year of 6,000 BC. Adam died at the age of 934 which added to 6,000 is equal to 6,934. Now add the 5,500 years to 6,934 which equal 12,434 years-which is the estimated time of Christ’s death, resurrection, and descenion into Hell to free Adam. Now, add our present day of 2010 and your total is 14,444-give or take a few years.
This number, 14,444, I estimate to be the total age of civilized mankind.
Scientists have determined that the Neanderthal caveman inhabited the earth millions of years ago. Now, that is a big difference from the time Enoch and the Book of Genesis claim as the dates of the creation of the world and Adam.
Another difference between Adam and the Neanderthal caveman was that Adam was educated and could talk. According to the Book of Genesis, Adam named the animals and named God. The Neanderthal caveman was primitive and only grunted.
Also, there are some of those out there who think that man evolved from an ape which I highly disagree. I firmly believe that man was created in God’s image and God is not an ape which is further evidenced by the fact that angels of heaven gazed down upon the beauty of the earthly maidens. They descended to earth and took these maidens as their wives which angered God.
I do not think that the angels would have been attracted to a gorilla.
What's Your Opinion?


First and most of all, the Bible is the greatest book ever written.
I am no different from anyone else. Since the beginning of time mankind has always asked- Who is God? How do I satisfy God? Will I live forever?
Millions upon millions of people base their belief, religion, tradition, existence, and even their own life’s according to their Bibles, but are the writings of ancient Holy Scripture based on fact, myths, hard core evidence, and the real truth.
As I continued to read, it soon became very evident to me that the Bible was nothing but mere cliff notes of a much larger story. Take for example, the Memoirs of our Presidents who either served four or eight year terms. These books contained more information on these Presidents’ terms than the entire Bible contained on the combined total number of years of all prophets, saints, and even the Messiah. I knew more about the lives of George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, and Ronald Reagan than I did Adam, Noah, Moses, and Jesus Christ.
Who really wrote the Bible? How many Bibles are there? And which is the true Bible?
Before I go on further it is very important that I stop here and tell you what I have learned:
• History is not always the real truth
• History is written by the victor
• History is sometimes based on the sayings or writings of people of prominence
• History is sometimes written by others
• History is sometimes based on hearsay
History May Not Be the Real Truth
The first most important fact that I must point out is that history is always written by the victor. So, history would have been written to his or their own ideas, thoughts, and ideologies. Could you imagine how history would read today if Hitler’s army would have won the war? What would we be reading or thinking as history today? What would you think the history of yester year would be like if Hitler’s army would have won the war? Also, what were the thoughts of the Japanese as to World War II? What do they have to say as to their side of the story?
The next fact you must understand is that history was also written according to the sayings and writings of others especially, those of the affluent or those of prominent stature. Here’s a prime example of what I am saying. Take for instance the story of the Famous Midnight Ride of Paul Revere written by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. Paul Revere did not actually complete the famous ride shouting, “ the British are coming, the British are coming.” According to actual accounts of the ride there were three men who began the ride, Paul Revere, William Dawes, and Dr. Samuel Prescott. The three were captured at a British roadblock. Paul Revere was detained and remained detained as Dawes and Dr. Prescott escaped. Dawes escaped into the woods. As he fled through the dark forest, he fell off his horse and was unable to ride. Dr Prescott jumped his horse over a brick wall and continued to ride. Actually, Dr. Samuel Prescott continued and completed the ride to Concord proclaiming that the British were coming. The reason Paul Revere gets credit is because there was no feasible rhyme as to the name Dr. Samuel Prescott to complete Longfellow’s poem. People took this as the truth because the poem and story was written by someone of stature, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. Thus Paul Revere became the real hero and not Dr. Samuel Prescott.
A most puzzling fact also is that scholars and experts of today as well as back then could not agree on interpretations of scriptures and their actual dates and authorship. Many unknown scribes who wrote scriptures often used the names of other more famous people to give validity and substance to their writings misleading many people to believe that prophets, leaders, and saints had really written them when in fact they had not. Some were even written after the death of these prominent people. Also, many times I found that scriptures had been written from hearsay- long after the event or demise of a person.
That’s my opinion, What’s yours?